Monday, February 4, 2008

Jack's opinion

A heat wave had engulfed the island; it seemed to sap your energy so most of the boys had decided to drift languidly in lake, occasionally playing Marco polo to pass the time. The trees on the other hand had flourished in the weather, the leaves lush and green, and the flowers blooming all throughout the scar.
The rest of the hunters had turned back, walking back to the shade of the shelters, and the inviting prospect of spending a few hours in the lake. My spear was beginning to feel heavy in my hand, trailing behind me, and leaving a rut in the jungle floor. The pig had turned west and seemed not to mind the heat hasting through the jungle, towards some unknown destination. I was starting to wonder whether I would have enough energy to continue. We the pattering of hooves, which had been constantly ahead of me stop. The jungle fell dead silent, and I peered through the maze of leaves the creepers, making the scene beyond inscrutable before my eyes. I gently moved aside the vines, to see what had caused the pig to stop moving. It was peacefully, snuffling among the leaves, unaware of the spear slowly being aimed at its flank.
I hefted the spear, in my arm and perfected the angle. Suddenly I felt something in the distance behind me. I dropped the spear and turned around. The jungle was empty, the birds were conversing loudly in the trees above, and all sounds of jungle life seemed normal. But there had been something there, if just for an instant, but there had been something there. I had felt it before, too often actually. I wasn’t afraid, but it seemed like fear itself was creeping up behind me getting closer and closer each time. Casting a furtive glance over my shoulder, and picked up my spear, I had let fall, and once again set upon the pig. I aimed slowly and threw, the spear struck the pig in the flank, and it started, it turned around, I could see terror in its eyes. It bolted through the scar, the spear falling out uselessly in the clearing.
Frustrated, I retrieved my spear, and stared in the direction the pig had run. I could see the sun was making its way slowly towards the ocean, it would probably be around two o'clock now, I decided and slowly I made my way back through the jungle continually checking over my shoulder the entire way.
I made my way down through the scar to the beach, crashing my way through the peaceful jungle and awaking birds from the nests. Tendrils of vines snaked through the trees weaving an impenetrable quilt hiding parts of the jungle from us. I could see atop the craggy mountain, and column of smoke rising from the fire. It was uselessly really, no one was going to come.
Eventually I felt the ground under my feet become softer and soon I was wading through a masses of sand only broken by the glimmer of the far of lagoon, and then open ocean. I could see Ralph in the distance, trying to heave a branch onto the roof of a hut. Piggy was sitting lazily cradling the conch in his arms, like a baby. If they spent more time helping my hunters instead of rigging up shelters which in the long run usually fell down then we would have gotten meat by now. Piggy never did much of anything he just stuck with Ralph and kept offering stupid ideas, about how to make the fire higher and blah blah. It was disgusting, if I had been made chief we would be feasting, and everyone would be working even on a hot day. My ranting was interrupted from a call from Ralph he was festooning the roof of he hut with vines, presumable for protection against rain. I sidled over to the huts.
"So did you bring back meat, I heard from the hunters that you had gone on to finish off a pig when they left." He hefted the branch over his head and heaved onto the roof.
“A little higher" interrupted Simon peeking out from a hole in the hut.
"The spear fell out of the pig, we need to add barbs onto the spears for the hunters. But next I am sure to get it." I picked up a rock and hurled it out into the water, "next time."
"You have been out all morning and I have had to be here working on huts with just Simon." he gestured at three precarious huts along the beach. “People stopped help after the second hut, now all I have is Simon to help me."
"Your chief tell people they need to help...Punish them." I smiled. He looked suspicious, but then said
"Well we need these shelters to keep the little ones happy."
"Why, they never do much why aren’t they happy." I gestured towards a group of little one playing by the lagoon to prove my point.
"At night they dream, sometimes they talk and scream to about the beast." he looked worried "we need to get off this island as soon as possible"
"I would like to catch a pig first."
"If we add more huts they would provide shelter before we get rescued."
"If only I had a barb, then pigs would be easy to get." I drifted away from the beach and in my thoughts I was on a pig hunt, I threw and struck the pig and it fell. Ralph exploded.
"Pig! Can you think of nothing else but pig? I work here with Simon and all you can talk about is pig!" He slammed his hand into the huts in disgust, his eyes stared vhemently at me. I turned bewiledred back to him, taking in a moment to process what he had said.
"All you can thing about is the fire, we going to need food to survive you know!" Silence fell, only broken by Simon moving around inside the hut. "When we went exploring, and after we had a meeting we decided we would keep the fire going."
"Well my hunters and I, we need pig." We were standing next to the shelter, not looking at each other, but staring out over the lagoon.
"Don't you want to be rescued?" He turned to face me " We need these shelters to survive, without the fire going we don' have any hope of being rescued!" he turned to stare at the cliff, and the smoke rising from the top.
"But we want meat!"
"Simon and I have worked all day, its harder with just two people, sometimes the older boys come. but they leave soon enough."
"I have been working all day too! I hunted most of the day."
"But you like your job, you get to run around the forest all day, where as Simon and I are stuck trying ot build shelters for people. "
"We keep the fire going! it was your idea and some of my hunters are up there now watching it looking for ships!" Ralph met this remark with stony silence. We gazed up at the cliff once again. Something oved on the ledge not too far from the top, I caught a glimpse of something pink disappearing behind the rocks "Thats it! the pigs must go up there to escape the sun!"
Ralh turned around, loking angrier then before.
"I though you saw a ship."
""We can surround them on that ledge there." I cried happily pointing.
"Again with the pig" he spat, 'dont you care about anything else?" he turned around "where did Simon go?"
"Sometimes he just dissappears."
'he is odd sometimes he laughs and plays with the little one but sometime he just walks off."
"Yeah" I wasnt really listening, but decided to agree with him on whatever he was saying. "here i'll help with the shelter a bit before to go to the lake."
"Don't bother, its getting dark." he walked past me towards the huts.
The heat regarless of the hour became opressive and I walked slowly down towards the bathing pool. I could see Piggy run up to Ralph, flaunting the conch but Ralph waved him off.
"Piggy go see what the little ones are up to" Ralph hurried past piggy, who loked a little dissapointed but left. I would establish my own tribe, soon but not yet, maybe when I got a pig...


Anonymous said...

I liked how you portrayed Ralph, Piggy, and the others involved in your story (as Jack), it gives a big picture of what Jack and the others really are.

Example : "Piggy never did much of anything he just stuck with Ralph and kept offering stupid ideas, about how to make the fire higher and blah blah"

William said...


This was the longest, most interesting Blog entry I have read so far! Although, I thought it could have used a title. I think how you used detail throughout everything is definitely a writing strength you have and you should use all the time!

Mia Sheperd said...

Zoe this was once again, an amazing piece. Your descriptions are so interesting and you feel as though you actually are Jack! I loved how you also included Jack's opinion on the boat coming to rescue them as you said here,
"Tendrils of vines snaked through the trees weaving an impenetrable quilt hiding parts of the jungle from us. I could see atop the craggy mountain, and column of smoke rising from the fire. It was uselessly really, no one was going to come."
Although one thing, name your Blogs! I want to see what titles you come up with to match you amazing entries.
