Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Eros & Thanatos

Thanatos is our desire for peace or death, it causes us to be aggressive, dare-devil's, and really anything that could lead to our death. Jack represents Thanatos, he is constantly impulsive, sometimes aggressive, and goes out of his way to show they boys how tough he is . For example he is proud, that the boar gored his arm and it is bleeding (Chapter 7)
Ralph, represents Eros the human desire to live. He devote a lot of his time to building huts for protection and making sure the signal fire is being kept up. He often asks Jack (Thanatos) "Don't you want to be rescued?" after he lets out the signal fire and a ship doesn’t see the island. As the book progresses, he and Jack and their desires conflict and cause a lot of disagreements. Ralph, builds huts so they can survive, Jack hunts for pleasure.

Emma has a very in depth description of how this applies to Lord of the Flies read it

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