Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blog #7 Roger...

Several eyes shone in the dark connected to sparse outlines of boys. People were yawning under trees, their eyes drooped slightly and the quickly regained composure and did their best to appear alert. Slowly I stretched my legs feeling the cold night air slither through my toes as I dangled my feet over the edge. Lit up by the last rays of sunlight Ralph was gazing aimlessly at the ocean his eyes slightly unfocused. Simon crept carefully over the gap in the rocks, and crouched down next to him. Ralph didn’t appear to notice, until Simon bent and whispered something in his ear. He turned his head and whispered back, I caught something about hips but the rest was carried out of earshot on the light breeze.
A putrid smell was floating on the breeze from under the rock. Retching slightly I peered carefully down the edge. A pile of Pig dropping obviously fresh was sitting under a covert in the rock face. Jack would probably be interested hunt or not so I called him over.
"Jack, come look." He answered and came swiftly through the black to the base of the rock, the rest of hunting party followed him, even Ralph and Simon slowly mad either way over. Jack stared happily murmuring to himself; he turned his head in Ralph's direction.
"We will still need food even though were are hunting--it." A shiver spread through the crowd at the mention of the beast, Ralph pushed a bit a made his way closer.
"We can track the pig at the same time, we do need food supplies." He said curtly, he turned in one swift motion and made his way back out of the crowd. jack spared one last glance at the pile, and started off merrily towards the pig run. Ralph idly walked in the rear of the line his eyes looking at something no one else could see.
Creepers obscured the view of the pig run, and the air was overrun with slight comments and flitting eyes. The path was well trodden, but the pace became steadily slower. The ferns ahead shook, and a loud snuffling noise could be heard behind the mass of greenery. I jumped a little, and was soon lost in a sea of blundering bodies on all sides screaming in terror. A boar startled by the noise burst through the bushes, it's eye's focused and searching through the crowd. Ralph surprisingly calmly drew back his arm and calculated the distance coldly. His muscles tensed and he heaved the spear, it left his arm and arced over the mass of boys. It struck the boar directly on the snout. it let out a shrill noise, and raced off into the forest, with jack shouting in pursuit.
Ralph’s face lit up. "Did you see me?" He looked around through the boys. " I hit it right on the nose!" He smiled happily like a little child on Christmas. Still uncertain he had made his point he turned towards Maurice.
"You saw me right, I got him on the nose!"
Maurice nodded solemnly "Yeah right on the nose." Giddily Ralph kept talking to anyone who would listen.
"Right on the snout-"
"It was the beast, I’ll bet" Jack said sagely striding out from behind the trees. "I couldn’t catch it was too big"
Ralph couldn’t bear to have his glory stolen. "Why didn’t you get him, I hit him right on then nose"
"I tried" Jack said grimly "What did you throw for? You should have waited" He malevolently glared at Ralph. "Look." He proudly displayed his arm, where a thin trickle of blood ran down to his elbow. "The boar did this, got me with its tusks." He now had the full attention.
Ralph again finding his actions belittled tried once again. " I got him, on his snout, like this." He demonstrated swinging his arm back and throwing an invisible spear. Robert rushed at him on all four and tried to gore him with imaginary tusks. Ralph joined, stabbing at Robert with the but of his spear. Slowly, my pace quickening I hurried over to the now large group of boys and playfully started stabbing at Robert, who happily rushed at us again and again. Subtly the game change, the laughter got louder, and Robert was crying out.
"Stop--ow!" I shoved my way closer, and joined in the growing chant. The desire to hurt was overpowering, I couldn’t stop. The shrill cry escalated. "Kill the pig, cut her throat, spill her blood."
Robert broke through the circle, and hid at the base of a rock, sniveling.
Jack lying on the ground happily said, "That was a good game." Uneasy laughter filled the group.
"Just a game--" Ralph said nervously. "Anyway its getting dark, we can't go any farther"
"Yeah, Piggy is alone with the littleuns"
'We should go back"
"Yes let’s all jump and help Piggy" Jack said in a high-pitched voice.
"Well someone has to, he will wonder what we are up to" Simon spoke quietly and everyone jumped.
"We cannot spare more then one." Jack glanced expectancy and slightly hopefully at Ralph.
"I'll go." Simon pushed past the group of boys "Someone has to go, and really I don’t mind" He slowly walked out into the darkness. I lost sight of his dim form through the trees. Ralph turned back on Jack.
"Jack, while you were hunting, you have been all the way up to castle rock."
"Yes”said jack, slowly dragging his finger through the dirt.
"Did you se anything there?"
"Yes, A pig run--Went on for miles up the mountain."
'The mountain?"
"Yes, the mountain." He grinned evilly "you are scared right? You don’t want to go up the mountain."
"Don't mind really, it was light I was thinking about we will all be running around in the dark soon."
"That’s an excuse." He sat up in the dark. " You just sacred, I don’t mind the dark!"
"We can climb tomorrow" Ralph said firmly " It is too dark."
"Well you can go back!" Jack spat vehemently "if your scared'
"The mountain on the first day, who went first?" Ralph was getting angry now.
"I came up right after" Jack gazed around defiantly.
"Who would like to just leave now?" Ralph stood up, calmly he looked around the huddle, he stared frigidly at Jack.
"Well we ought to tell Piggy."
"We already sent Simon" Jack voice died as he could see the boys all nodding and getting up. Ralph turned triumphantly back to Jack.
Livid Jack stood up "I am going," he paused for effect. "Now." Shouldering his spear he fixed the boys with a hard look. He turned on Ralph taunting. "Coming?" he asked uncompromisingly The group froze, I could see the littleler ones exchanging looks, glancing at Ralph.
Brushing off Jacks comment Ralph said "If you don't mind, yes I will come" If Jack was astonished he didn’t show it.
"I don't mind, hurry." He said thinly turning around. Ralph appearing casual sauntered after Jack, but his eyes furtively glanced
around through the jungle. I sat uncertainly huddled in a corner in the clearing, carefully I got up avoiding hitting my head on the rock I went after Ralph. As they reached the base of the mountain, Ralph paused hesitantly.
"What are we going to do if we get the beast."
"Hunt it, kill it!"
"There are only two of us." Jack stared around at a loss without his hunting group. I could hear them sill talking as I came beside them, Ralph started a bit.
"There now we have three." As if the matter was settled he headed up the mountain. Jack habitually taking the lead, and Ralph making up the rear. He puzzled me, and his behavior infuriated me. He had suggested them all going back, argued about it then decided to come. He and useless fat Piggy always plotting and never appreciating what ever the hunters did. We brought them food, and he complained about some fire on them mountain top.
A hot wind, rushed and with it a fine powder which stung. I blinked and rubbed my eyes only to cause them to sting more. I could Here Ralph coughing beside me.
"We must have hit the burnt patch." With caution we continued up the mountain, a little puff of dust rushing with each step.
"This is silly" Ralph again.
"You said you would come, I will go on alone if you are too scared."
"Fine Rodger and I will wait here for you." Ralph settled himself on a log, and Jacks look uneasy. "Go then" Ralph said mockingly.
"See you later." And Jack disappeared into the infinite darkness.
Idly I tapped my spear against the log, making dents across the bottom half. Ralph slowly rocked the log back and forth. We sat for a while not talking just rocking and tapping waiting for Jack.
A loud thump awoke us from the slow rhythm and we whipped around. jack was standing there panting.
"There was something there!
"I saw it!"
"Lets go have a look then!" I sat listening to them argue tapping my spear against the log. Jack quickly drew in a breath.
"Sure" Jack slowly collected himself and headed dup the hill.
"Come on Roger!" I hurried to catch up with Him and Jack at the very crest of the hill. We crouched close together and peered over the hill.
"See anything?"
"Nothing." A muffled cry and Ralph grabbed my arm "there!"
Something I had taken for a rock sat up slowly. I tumbled down the hill not even caring to slow down.


Unknown said...

WOW! you are a really good writer! it is so long, but so descriptive. i really like you first paragraph:

"Several eyes shone in the dark connected to sparse outlines of boys. People were yawning under trees, their eyes drooped slightly and the quickly regained composure and did their best to appear alert."

That was just a paragraph that stood out to me. You also used all the vocabulary words correctly...well obviously, you like REALLY smart.
I also liked how you incorporated dislodge within Ralph and Jack. I could really see them interrupting each other.

daniel said...

omg zoe, this is so long but so god i wanted to stop reading it but it was like had those to devils on each side.
stop reading it stop,
dont it is so good, haha
but other wise it was amazing i also like how you used this word never thought u could use it this way either.

jumped a little, and was soon lost in a sea of blundering bodies on all sides screaming in terror.

and i really like they way u used roger and gave som much info about him and since he is kinda shy he is not the easiest to right 5 million pages about but you can. it was amazing well i gtg leav coment on katie