Wednesday, February 6, 2008

About Jack

Jack was previously (before the crash) the head of the choir at his school, so when he gets to the island he tries to retain some of that authority and ends up making most of his choir hunters, he is in charge of this group and leads them on hunting expeditions. Their duties are to tend to the signal fire, and to make sure it is always burning so that if anytime a ship was to pass by, they would see the fire and hopefully come rescue the boys. Jack as the story goes on gives in more and more to his desire for violence, and savagery as the book progresses. While he is hunting a pig one particular day he feels something hunting him a he hunts the pig. That is his fear of giving into his urge to become violent and hurtful. He feels it comeing cloer and closer, and soon unaviodable.
He strongly desires to catch his first pig, on the first day he is given a change to kill a pig but he can't. But as he gives in more and more to bloodlust, he becomes obsessed with getting a pig. When he finally catches a pig he happily describes how he cut the throat of the pig, and recounts the pigs fear gleefully in his story.

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