Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Blog 14 revision of: Blog 9

When I changed small things like sentence fragments, run-ons, capitalization, and spelling I did not bold the text. I bolded the text when I added new text in, or changed something around alot.

Ralph was whispering to Piggy, huddeled around the small signal fire down on the beach. Sam and Eric stood close straining to hear the conversation. They laughed quietly and wandered over to group of little ones digging in the sand. A thin trickle of smoke snaked up into the sky, contrasting oddly with the golden clouds. The wind had slowly picked up and was now blowing steadily, churning the hot air and blowing it every which way.
I saw Ralph gently take the conch from Piggy's arms, and raise it to his lips. Before he drew in a breath I slowly moved aside a wall of creepers and slipped easily through, barely touching the vines. The conch sounded shortly, causing the birds to flit around from nest to nest calling out stridently. I followed the old pig track, to the base of the mountain. There were still faint footprints from the hunt, and a lot of brush was crushed haphazardly at the base of the hill. I could see where they had fallen, there were long skid marks in the ground. I wonder what they must have seen, to send them down the mountain so flustered. I shivered at the though and continued on. I stepped off the pig run and, slowly walked through the jungle towards Castle Rock, Jack's base. Stepping carefully through the mass of ferns I arrived, overlooking a group of boys. Jack's eyes were wildly happy and he was sitting in a makeshift chair, decorated with various ornaments, flowers, vines, and he wore his mask of clay. He was speaking gleefully to a small group of boys, who intently listened to his words. They were gazing up at him revrently, and hppily glacing at the carcass of a pig stil skerwed on the stick.
A fetid smell came wafting towards me on the hot wind. I rose slowly from the hill top and skirted the edge of the jungle back towards Ralph's camp. The smell followed me, clinging to my skin and every time I drew a breath I would retch. It became steadily stronger as I approached the base of the mountain, a fly idly looped passed my nose and I brushed it off irritably. More and more of them kept, buzzing around my head, searching for the source I looked around. Black eyes, peered at me from between the leaves. Empty sockets black and lifeless. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply, slowly I opened one eyes. They were still there. I stared cautiously and moved towards the eyes. I pushed past the leaves and there, lifelessly smiling was a pig's head on a stick. The stick, was sticky and brown with blood, and some slowly oozed towards the ground. The mouth was open, with he tongue lolling out to one side, the heat beat down on the island slowly draining all the energy out of the mountain. The mouth seemed to move, and the eyes moved, coldy staring me up and down. My eyes unfocused and the head hung in mid air, demon like before me. I stumbled and caught myself just before I fell. I was transfixed by the face suspeded before me, and suddenly it spoke.
"A mistake, just leave go back to Ralph." Flies weaved in and out of the eyes. The voice seemed calm, but with an edge.
"You are a silly, boy." Said the Lord of the Flies. "Don't you agree?" I tried to talk but my tongue felt heavy in my mouth and I just stared.
"Go play, leave, go to the other boys." I felt myself answer, silently conversing without meaning to.
"They will think you are batty, you like Ralph a lot, don’t you?" Teasing the head continued.” You don’t want Ralph to think you are batty do you?"
The stick had gone, the head was floating in space right above me. Sprawled on the ground I could do nothing but stare.
"I am the Beast, aren’t you scared boy? Just run away." A slightly menacing air had come about the pig's head. " I am the beast! I am inside you, you cannot kill me!"
"Pig on a stick" I managed, drawing a deep breath. "Its a pig..." I couldnt manage any more and I could slowly feel my self sinking down. My vison clouded even more, and I tried greedily to fill my lungs with air. I couldn't draw in enough air. I fought the comeing sensation, and it all seemed to anger the head.
"You think you know more than I do, you cannot escape that way, I will be there."
The pig's head slowly swelled to the point where I was staring into the black of the mouth. I was swallowed up and I couldn’t brethe, I gave up and slumped down.
A hot gust, blew through the trees. Slowly I drew in a deep breath the head was gone and the glade was locked in a eerie silence.
"What do I do?" Questioning the leaves, the trees, the butterflies, but none of them answered. I Clambered slowly up. Wincing I felt something warm running down my nose. I touched my nose hesitantly, and my hand came back stained red. Wiping my nose with my arm, a long line of blood stretched from my forearm to my wrist.
Leaving the glade I continued towards the base of the mountain wincing with every step. The climb was easy, there was a small path and was worn by boys running to and fro by the signal fire. Clouds piled high towering in the sky, a gold color illuminated by the last rays on sunlight. I reached the top in about five minutes of steady walking. Uneasy I peered around a bluder at the platform. There was a man sitting on top the of the mountain hunched over, his limbs sprawled at odd angles. Something blues was snapped open by the wind, and the man sat up. I gasped in horror. His skin was pitted and hollowed, and the eyes were empty sockets, black holes. The wind died down a bit and he slumped down again, locked in a steadfast ritual. Sadly I approached the figure and untangled it from the rocks. It flopped down and lay still. So this was the ape, the supposed beast. The poor boys had driven to savagery by the thought of a giant ape, when really it was the pilot. I had to tell the other boys, Jack might change then it he knew there was no beast. He would lose the edge he gained when promising to protect the boys from the beast.
I climbed down the hill after one last glance at the pilot. I would have to go tell Ralph there was no beast. I shielded my eyes and looked for a column of smoke to show me where the camp was. There was one in the distance over near castle rock, they must have moved camp. Maybe Ralphh could convince Jack there was no beast, he could show him the pilot and then all the nonsense would be over. Jack was a bit batty also, he was consumed with power. His desire for pig had been almost scary, it wasnt a desire to provide food, but more to hunt and kill. I think that above all else made him feel powerful. It was a bit sad really. Far off I could hear a tremulous chanting, it was getting louder as I drew nearer.
"Kill the pig, cut her throat, spill her blood!" Eager to tell the news, I tripped on a rock and stumbled out into the clearing. The air stank of corruption and I could see a mass of boys manically chanting.
"A pilot on the hill! There was no beast." They turned, there eyes gleaming and as one body moved forward surging towards me. There is no beast!" Scared now I slowly tried to turn and run but they sprinted up to me. I could see Jack face painted eyes glittering, shoving his ay through I felt teeth on my arm, a spear was flung and lodged it self in my back. I crouched low to the ground and covered my head. The chant had changed...
"Kill the beast, cut his throat, spill his blood!"
They were stabbing me, biting me, clawing me frenzied and delighted in the darkness. I wrenched away and I ran over, off the edge of the rock, but they were too fast. They all jumped on me at once, I felt something close in on my neck, there were a million hands all grabbing at me. There were more spear flung into the mass, the stung and their barbed ends kept them hanging off me. All my senses seemed gone, I could feel them any more and the world had turned pitch black. Slowly I faded away and fell onto the beach, the pain was gone, but so was I.
A lone figure clumsily waltzed down the beach, and walked past Simon, illuminated and floating out by the reef, it floated down the mountain past the boys and out towards the sunset hanging limply.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Blog 13 revision of: Blog 10 shattered

I made some bigger changes like adding sentences. These changes I bolded, but the smaller edits like capitalzation, sentence fragments and run-ons I did not bold.

We rose, quietly nursing bruises and rubbing our eyes until the events of last night came back all in a flash. The darkness, snarling, kicking, clawing, and the glasses, the fire. As we crept solemnly out the door of the hut we could see Ralph bending desperately over the fire blowing at the dark smudge until his breath run out. Piggy sat on the log squinting at Ralph evidently trying to see through the haze without his glasses.
"Ralph Its no use-"
"They took the glasses we’ve got no fire now-" We were trying to comfort Ralph , but we had quite the wrong effect.
"Yes they took our fire!" His voice rose shrilly, and his eyes flashed dangerously "They stole it from us!" it was quite dishonest really, not fair, we could have just given them fire, I am sure Ralph wouldn't have minded.
"Piggy?" Piggy's head swiveled in the direction of the voice, blindly staring in the direciton of the voice
"Yes Ralph?"
"Can you see me?" One of his cheeks was puffy and it pressed against his eyelid.
"A bit, you quite hazy, but I can see you outline." He peered intently in Ralph’s direction. "Ralph I want my glasses back, really its wrong what they gone and did!" he rubbed his eyes as if he was trying to clear them. "I cannot see now, and well that’s not really fair, I voted for you as chief, you have got to tell us what to do!" Ralph fiddled with his cheek.
"There is no fire now, we wont get rescued now. I don’t know how they cannot remember." He murmured softly. ” They cant remember home, school, or even civilization its all a game to them." He sadly gaze in the direciton of castle rock. "Its just hunting, fighting, killing to them. I don't think they can realize what they are doing, its not really them anymore."
"Then I'm going to go see Jack. He took me glasses and Im going with the conch! He doesn’t have that, he cant! He has to give them back, he has to!" We exchanged looks, surely Piggy wasn’t hoping to just ask Jack for his glasses! He wouldn’t give them back.
Surprisingly Ralph seemed to be a bit excited about his idea. "We could wash, and you know comb our hair. We could go there all civilized to show them." He murmured the next sentence. "Show them, make them remember..."
"I got some socks from when we landed-"
"We could wear them, like caps." It seemed a bit silly, but it was better than combing our hair.
'We could tie your hair back, it would look neater."
"Like a girl!" We laughed and Piggy even smiled.
"No not like that to you know keep it out of our eyes."
"And Paint-" The thought of painitng our faces, was very exciting. We had just once for a pig hunt, and it became a mask. You could do anything behind that mask, and it wasnt really you!
"We could paint our faces like-"
"Jacks whole tribe has painted faces, remember-"
"last night they came to take the glasses and-"
"No!" Ralph stood angrily. "No paint, we wont be like them" he spat. "They are savage"
"But just, we could-"
"No!" Ralph turned his face contorted in anger 'We can just go like this, they wont be better!"
Piggy had refused to carry a spear, and instead reverently carried the conch in his arms. One hand was pressed to our arm and we formed a ring around him guiding him in through the jungle. We were doubtful this would work, we were walking expecting Jack Merridew to just freely give us the glasses. He had joined in the killing, and didn’t seem to worry about what we had done. He was merciless, and I don’t think any of us could knowingly kill someone, except...
"Who goes there?" A harsh voice echoed through the tree, and we jumped causing Piggy, and cry out.
"You know perfectly well who Roger." Ralph stepped out into the clearing at the base of castle rock, he gently took the conch from Piggy and blew. It continued until he ran out of breath.
"A meeting, i'm calling a meeting." Breathing deeply Ralph handed the conch back to Piggy. "Where is Jack?” He gazed up the jagged rock face which was dotted with the forms of boys we had once knew. They were painted, and bradishing spears in our direction.
"Out hunting, we weren’t to let you in" A cold laughter echoed through out the jungle.
"What is it Ralph?" Jack stepped out of the jungle. "You keep to your end, this is my camp."
"That was dirty trick! You took Piggy's specs! You have to give them back you know." He faltered, even Ralph seemed to doubt his words.
"Who says" Jacks eyes flashed.
"We would have given it you, you know! But instead you come and steal it, thief!"
"You heard me! Thief thief!" He smiled malevontly, at Jack happily taunitng him.
Jack raised his arm and ran at Ralph thrusting his spear at his chest; Ralph surprisingly dodged and blocked it with the end of his spear.
'Thief!" called Ralph tauntingly.
"Ralph! The fire, the conch. My specs"
"Right." Ralph calmed, and stood up straighter. "This isn’t a game! You give back Piggy's specs!" the laughter rose and died again, coldly.
"Fools! You keep hunting; don't you want to go home? Its no game!"
The laughter rose higher, and eerily.
"There could be a ship!"
Jack who had stood, impassive during Ralph’s speech, slowly turned and called up the hill. "Go on tie them up!" A few hunters moved but no one made came over toward us. "Now!" They all rushed at us, we couldn’t see anything the minute they closed in. There were hand grabbing and tightening robe. We could feel ropes being coiled around our feet and hands. We were thrown to the ground immobile. It was awfully unfair, we just came for the specs they had no business making us join them.
"Samneric!' He turned his eyes looked different now harder some how. "You beast, thief! You give back the specs!" He swung wildly at Jack who dodged and soon they were fighting head on.
"Stop it I got the conch!" Piggy had risen unsteadily and was holding the conch outwards. Twup, A rock flew by his head.
"I got the conch! Now listen!" The laughter ceased, and Jack and Ralph stood apart.
"You need rules, all you do is hunt and Kill!" Twup another rock. "You need a fire to get a ship to come..."
There was an ominous creak, and we looked up to see Roger smiling, and with reckless abandon leaning on the leaver. The rock broke loose and thundered down the hill.
"Piggy!" it was too late, he was hit, the conch broke. It shattered it a million tiny pieces flying through the air until they fell clattering to the ground. Piggy, was thrown off the cliff, and he fell straight on a rock. He moved a bit, and Blood spiraled around him.
A wave crashed and when the foam cleared he was gone, out to sea...with Simon. It was horrible, he was just gone, Jack was happily looking down at the pink waves. I’m not sure what Ralph would do now, he was the one with a lot of good idea which had often helped.
"See that what we will do if you come again, he thew his spear at Ralph."
Ralph wasAstonished he didn’t have time to move, it hit him above the ribs and he glared at Jack. he cast an anguished glance our way and ran straight off into the forest followed by a rain of spears.
We were dragged up to the top of the rock and Jack began firing questions at us. Shuddering and unable to speak thinking of Piggy, out at sea somewhere we just shook our heads. Until roger pushed forward an eerie smile playing on the corners of his mouth.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Blog 12-Defense Preparation-Trial of Jack Merridew

-The lever used to push the stone down the hill to kill Piggy. The most recent fingerprints are from Roger, since the lever was not touched again after Piggy deaths this proves, the Roger sent the boulder down the hill.
Witness's testimony
Jack was the leader of the boys and he states that he never planned to kil Piggy, or Simon. For Simon they thought he was the beast, and for Piggy Roger pulled the never which killed him. Jack put the rock there for prottection against rhe beast, not Piggy. Neither of these were pre planned murders and Jack states he is not ot blame for either.
Naval officer , he talks with Jack on the boat and meets with some of the boys. He thinks that Jack doent not seem keen on killing or violence and is as sheken up about the events on the island as any of the other boys.
Roger , was Jack's most willing follower in his tribe and admits freely that he killed Piggy, and Jack had not talked about planning ot kill Simon or Piggy with him or any of the boys.
Jack's Relatives , they testify that Jack was always a good boy, though he did have a bit of a temper. He had good grades, and always had alot of friends. He didnt seem to prone to fight in school or anywhere else.
Percival , he was a littun who joined Jacks tribe freely of his own accord. He testifys that Jack never told them to kill Simon and the night Simon died that had genuinely thought he was the beast. He they attacked a dark shape which ran out of the forest screaming, out of self defense.
Maurice , one of the bigger boys on the island he was with Jack the night when they stole the glasses. He testifys that jack was nowhere near Roger when he pulled the lever, and he hadnt seen him talking much to Roger before Piggy's death. When they killed Simon he hadnt planned to kill any of of the boys from Ralph's group.

Witness Questions
Naval Officer-
What was your first impression of Jack when you talked on the boat?

Did he seem the type of boy to fight in school, possibly even kill?

Why do you think there was a war on the island? What did Jack mention to you about the war?

Did jack put up the boulder to defend from the beast, or Ralph's tribe?

You where aware that it was Piggy and not that beast when you pulled the leaver right?

Did you and jack ever plan, to kill Piggy? Where you insructed to pull the lever?

Where was Jack the moment you pulled the lever?

on the Beach what did you think it was that ran out of the jungle?

Did you relise it was Simon before you killed him?

Did Jack ever mention a plot to kill Simon or any other boys before the incident on the beach?

Did it seem Jack was more eager that anyone else to kill the beast/ Simon? or was everyone just confused and thought it was that beast?
Did Jack ever instruct Roger to pull the lever?

Was everyone involved with Simon's murder? So it wasnt Jack alone?

Did Jack ever plan to kill Simon or Piggy? So he didnt mention anything to you or the tribe?

When you went up the hill you came back down with Ralph and Roger and told everyone about the beast right?

So when somehting ran out of the jungle it is resonable for them to assume it was the beast?

Did you order anyone to participate in killing the beast/ Simon?

Where were when Piggy was killed?

Why did you set up the boulder?

Jack's Relatives-

Had jack ever been in a fight in school?

When he was in school, was he a good student or did he seem to disobey teacher alot?

How did he behave at home?


Why did you Join Jack's tribe?

Did you think it was that beast when Simon ran out of the jungle?

How did the boys react when Simon ran out of the jungle, did Jack instruct them?

When Piggy was killed, did jack talk to Roger or motion to him in any way to pull the lever?

Did you hear Jack say to kill Simon?

What were you and Jack doing at the time of piggy's death?

Did you see Jack give a signal to Roger to pull the lever while you were fighting?

Where you at the party?

Did you participate in killing Simon?

When Simon ran out of the forest did you think he was the beast?

Did it seem like Roger was following Jack's order to kill Piggy?


Did you join the tribe willingly?

Did you participate in the theft of the glasses?

So was Jack planning anything else?

Did you ever hear jack mention killing Piggy or Simon?

Do you know why he put the rock on the hill?

Piggy's aunt
Did piggy get along with other children?

Do you think he would be able to survive in the wilderness?

What do think he would do?

How bad was his eyesight and asthma?

Defense Plan-
Kadajah and Zoe- Opening statement

Zoe and Maya- Questioning

Kadajah- Cross examine

Maya-Closing statement

Opening statements-
The night of Simon's death the boys were having party to celebrate Jack's new tribe and their sucessful hunt. They werei n the middle of a cerimonial dance, and chant when a dark shape stumbled out of the forest, screaming. The boys had recently gone to the top of the mountain and and thought they saw the beast. So when a dark shape came out of the forest, they thought it was the beast. They became scared and in self defense attacked the shape. It ran and started screaming but the gathering had turned to chaos so they couldnt hear what it was saying. They chased it to the shore of the beach, and used spears to kill it.
Jack only was only with his tribe for couple of days and he didnt mention to any of his group to kill anyone from Ralphs tribe. He wouldnt have been able to plan a murder in such a short time. There was no reason for him to want to kill Simon, he seldom spoke and never really defied jack, he wasnt a threat like Ralph.
He didnt mention harming anyone, his tribe just gotten a pig and they were celebrating. It was an innocent party, it was night and they could not see when Simon ran out of the forest. They killed him because they thought he was the beast, they were confused, it could not have been a pre-planned murder.
When Piggy was killed he had been giving speech to Jack's tribe trying to convince them to give back his glasses. Roger pulled a lever which sent the rock down the hill to hit Piggy, all through his speech he had been throwing stones at Piggy. Ralph and Jack were fighting for most of Piggy's speech and jack couldnt have given Roger a signal to pull the lever while fighting. Roger aimed to hit Piggy, even though jack had told them to use the rock to fight the beast. Roger knew that Piggy was not the beast, he saw him and was listening to his speech before he pulled the lever. The fingerprints on the lever the Roger was the most recent person to touch the stick, and it had not been used since Piggy's death. That shows that there is no doubt the Roger pulled the lever to kill Piggy.
Closing statements
The witnesses have given testimony, and none of them have any evidence that Jack was plotting a murder. He was not responsible for Piggy or Simon's death. Roger admits freely that he pulled the lever on his own. Percival, a member of Jack's tribe states that he never saw or heard Jack talk about murdering Simon or Piggy.
When Roger killed Piggy, Jack was fighting Ralph. No one had seen him talking with Roger much, and while he was fighting a lot of boys were watching and none of the boys saw him give a signal to Roger.
When the boy's killed Simon, it was dark and a storm was begining. There was lighting flashing and a dark shape ran out of the forest yelling somehting none of the boys could hear. The boys truly belived that there was a beast inhabiting the island, so they obviously were concerned with their safety. This was clearly self defense.
Winesses say that Jack never instructed them, when the beats ran out of the forest they were scared so they protected themselves. Percival states that when he saw the "thing", he truly thought it was the beast. He didn't discover it was Simon until it was too late. All of the witnesses state that Jack did not call out to the boys to kill Simon, so I dont reall see much proof that jack convicted any crime.
There is a large amount of evidence which shows that Jack is innocent, witnesses state that he never mentioned to them about killing Simon or Piggy, there is the lever which shows that Roger killed Piggy, and the fact the no one else in his tribe who helped to kill Simon knew of any plan to kill him. there is not much evidence showing that Jack commited these crimes, he stole glasses but that was for fire, he didnt kill anyone for them...
We are sure that the jury will render a non-guitly verdict, and acquit our client of all charges.