Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blog 2: Piggy's Sentiments

I picked my way through the jungle, gingerly carrying the conch up the mountain. The emerald green trees, and bushes, formed a thick wall of foliage, which had been torn through by the crowd of boys. The littleuns had charged, in Jack's footsteps after he had rushed off to the top of the mountain to build the signal fire. Ralph, had let the conch fall from his hands, and after a scornful look my way he had rushed off after the other boys. As I approached the steep slope of the mountain, I heard excited voices and lots of thumps, I supposed this was wood on the fire but I could not be sure.
It had been a rather hurried decision to start a fire, I expected this Jack and the others it would probably take their brains a long time to finally come to the conclusion that they hadn’t any means of starting a fire in the first place. This I would have expected of Jack, he seemed to be the impulsive kind of person to build a great big pile of wood, yet with nothing to start a fire with. Ralph however had surprised me, I had thought of him as a thoughtful person, but it seemed he had rushed off after Jack, in their attempt to flag down ships with a giant pile of wood.
I had reached the edge of the jungle, and extricated myself from the weave of vines the seemed endless throughout the jungle. My breath coming in ragged gasps, as I struggled for a breath, auntie wouldn’t have approved of such an excursion, I supposed she wouldn’t have approved of being shot down in an airplane, and crashing onto an island, with 50 or 60 maniacal boys I though woefully. The conch nearly slipped from my fingers, as a rock came loose under my foot. I slipped a few feet back down the slope, sending a shower of rock down behind me. I managed to grab onto a sturdy looking rock with me free hand, and I slowly started up the hill again. This time I reached the crest of the hill, I found a comfortable place and observed the tumult on the hilltop platform. Jack was standing there not doing much of anything barking orders at the littleuns who nimbly wove between the trees grabbing stray branches and small logs and dragging them back up the hill. They probably found the idea of a fire irresistible, who could blame them? A fire promised warmth, and a small hope that someone would see the smoke a rescue them. And while we were still here, the fire could potentially protect them from the snake beast they keep babbling about. They were just little children, and Jack was taking advantage of their fears, by using them against Ralph, nobody seemed to notice except Ralph and myself.
I decided it was a good time to intervene and announce that they had nothing with which to make a fire, so they might as well stop. They proceedings on the hill had stopped and Jack was muttering some about "rubbing sticks together” he was really denser then I had thought.
"You can't make a fire you know, there is nothing you can use." I broke into the mutterings officiously. A few moments silence ensued as I let this sink in, but right as I was about to continue a great cry erupted.
"Specs! Specs! Take his specs!" Someone cried, and soon they all took up the chant "Specs Specs." I backed hurriedly up and stumbled down.
"No! Please, Ralph!" I called out to him he seemed not to hear me, meanwhile Jack rushed out of the crowd and snatched the specs off my face. "Please, I cant see at all." I felt as if I just plunged underwater. The world looked blurry, and images swam before my eyes. A yellow light started to glow, and I head my specs being hurled to the ground. I crawled along the ground, toward where I had heard the noise. I felt something smooth under my fingers and, quickly put my specs back on. They had coaxed a small tongue of flame from the logs, which emitted popping noises and quickly erupted into flame. The leaves curled and warped under the heat, and soon the fire was blazing. Sparks flashed merrily up from the pile of wood, but they were carried on the breeze towards the jungle surrounding us. Ralph, Jack and the others started as they looked down the slope and saw tree catching on fire below. There were ominous popping noises as other trees caught fire. Soon the forest was ablaze. There seemed to be green water rushing out from the jungle floor, but on of the younger boys cried
"Snakes run!" It was true green snakes were slithering as an alarming speed up the mountain away from the fire.
"Everybody down the hill!" Ralph cried, he glanced around trying to take a headcount in the chaos. "Piggy!" He cried " how many of us were there?"
" I don’t know!"
"You were supposed to take names!" He said now sounding angry.
'Ralph I was all by myself!"
"Hold on" Jack broke in "Where is the boy with the birthmark?" And with that everybody streamed down the hill, as the fire was getting closer, Jack and Ralph were running down the hill in search of the lost boy.


Anonymous said...

I liked how you described the different actions and gestures that Piggy made. You can really tell what kind of person Piggy is, with the actions you described coming out of him.

Emma Christenfeld said...

Amazing descriptions. Vivid and real. Great blog! I don't even have any suggestions except for hurry up and write the next one because I want to read it!